Two Free Percussion Packets:
Drum Rudiment & Keyboard Exercises from James Christian
If you’re like me, you love learning new rudiments and exercises for percussion instruments. For everyone who subscribes to our e-mail list, I want to pass along two free percussion packets containing drum rudiments and mallet percussion exercises that I have enjoyed learning over the years.
I enjoy sharing percussion music and resources with people. So just for subscribing to e-mail updates, I’ll send you my special list of Little-Known, Neglected, & Flat Out Fun Rudiments. A few of them are traditional rudiments, such as the flam paradiddlediddle. (It’s a great test of coordination, but it often gets neglected.) Others are not very well known, such as the inverted paradiddle. Some are quite challenging, such as alternating Swiss army sextuplets. Still others are just fun to play, such as the buzzle. All of the rudiments are sure to expand and refine your rudimental vocabulary.
As an extra bonus, you’ll also get my helpful packet of Essential 2-Mallet Keyboard Exercises. These exercises are the cream of the crop, inspired by great keyboard percussion performers and composers such as Gary Burton, George Hamilton Green, Gordon Stout, and Elden “Buster” Bailey. These focus on your two-mallet chops, developing speed, note accuracy, music theory, and fluidity around the keyboard.
In both packets, regardless of your ability level, you should be able to find something fun, something challenging, and something interesting. I can’t imagine any percussionist not enjoying these!
Just fill out the form on the right side of this page (if you’re on a computer) or at the bottom of this page (if you’re on a smart phone or tablet), and you’ll instantly be able to receive these two packets in your e-mail inbox. (If they don’t appear to arrive, check your spam filter.) Enjoy!
—James Christian