The second issue of The Percussion Circle is here! (If you missed issue #1, check it out here.) As always, this is free to copy and print. Please share with students, friends, and complete strangers. (Trust us. They’ll appreciate it.) Check out the “Name the Letter Column Contest.” Be sure to order your t-shirt of this issue’s cover. And write to us and let us know what you like, what we can improve, and what you’d like to see in the future.
Last but not least, we wish you a very happy New Year!
Here is issue #2 of The Percussion Circle:
Click the cover to read issue #2!
The Percussion Circle Issue #2 Content
- So We Decided to Make a Sequel… – A New Year greeting from the editor.
- Making Lemons out of Lemonade – How percussionists are adept at overcoming obstacles, how musical skills transfer to other areas of life, and how we can use what music teaches us to turn obstacles into opportunities.
- Keyboard Percussion (2 mallets)—The New Year’s Polka – A fun keyboard percussion solo by Charles d’Albert (can be performed on xylophone, vibraphone, marimba, or most any keyboard instrument).
- Keyboard Percussion (4 mallets)—Musical Options with Rolls – Explore musical considerations for two-mallet rolls, double vertical rolls, ripple rolls, Burritt rolls, and one-handed rolls.
- Rudimental Snare Drum—The Foundation of All Percussion – Why singles are the foundation of all percussion and what you can work on to build speed and confidence.
- Marching Multi-Tenor Drums—Sweeps: Adjacent and Non-Adjacent – Build your coordination on quads by working between adjacent and non-adjacent sweeps/scrapes.
- COVID-19’s Impact on Percussion Companies – Hear from percussion business owners firsthand and see what we can do to help the percussion community thrive in the aftermath of the Covid lockdowns.
- Bass Drum—Rhythmic Adventures – Like fast-changing rhythmic modulations? These will mess with your brain!
- Crash Cymbals—Get the Plates Moving! – When the music calls for fast cymbal parts, you have to be ready. Two exercises and an etude will help you move those cymbals quickly!
- Ba-Dum Crash! – Percussion humor and word search fun.
- Timpani Corner—Working with Half Steps – Get familiar with your pedals as you work on half step tuning.
- The Drum Set Groove—Nine Ways to Spice Up Your Fills – Guest artist McKenzie Webb joins us to show how different rhythm concepts can enhance our fills.
- Letter Column & Contests – Write us some letters! Enter the Name The Letter Column Contest, and you can win a $25 gift certificate to Steve Weiss Music.
Additional videos coming soon!
Related Links
Cover photo by Codi Clark
Website: codibrookephotography.mypixieset.com
Instagram: instagram.com/cbc_pics/
Featured artist McKenzie Webb
YouTube channel: youtube.com/user/GeneralSD1/
Instagram: instagram.com/_kungfu_kenzie
The original piano part to “The New Year’s Polka” by Charles d’Albert can be found here: https://imslp.org/wiki/New_Year’s_Polka_(Albert%2C_Charles_d’)
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