The term double stops refers to striking two mallets at the same time. They are an incredibly important skill to develop and master, and this exercise is a useful tool for practicing them.
In addition to having good double stop quality, it’s also important to transition smoothly between the upper and lower manuals. In 16 measures, this exercise covers every possible configuration.
The breakdown is as follows:
- Measures 1-4: accents with both hands on lower manual
- Measures 5-8: accents with both hands on upper manual
- Measures 9-12: accents with left hand on upper manual & right hand on lower manual
- Measures 13-16: accents with left hand on lower manual & right hand on upper manual
Within each of these four-measure sets, the non-accented notes (the “inner beats”) follow this configuration:
- Measure 1: both hands on lower manual
- Measure 2: left hand on upper manual, right hand on lower manual
- Measure 3: left hand on lower manual, right hand on upper manual
- Measure 4: both hands on upper manual
When playing this exercise, focus on distinct accents and clear (but softer) “inner beats.” Make sure the double stops strike at exactly the same time. Each interval should have a clear, blended sound.
Have fun with this exercise!
I also have to point out that this is the 50th post on Rudimental University! Woo hoo!!!